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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

We had an eventful Cinco De Mayo here in the Gonzalez house. First off my little Lil turned 3 months today. I can't believe it's already been 3 months. She is smiling a lot and gets very excited when you pick her up. She loves her baths and still loves the Booby! She is sleeping 6 hours at night and eats about every 2 hours during the day. She has been such a dream and an answer to our prayers.

Next, we finally took Dixie up on her offer and joined her for lunch. Since it was Cinco De Mayo they were having Mexican food. I was a little worried about the food because last week Meatloaf was on the menu. I'm not a picky eater, but nursing home meatloaf does not sound like something I would want to try. Surprisingly the food was good. A little bland, but nothing a little Cholula couldn't fix. (I carry a bottle around in my purse just in case I have bland nursing home food for lunch).

Dixie was up to her usual self. Couldn't hear what we were saying and forgetting that we were eating with her on the way to the cafeteria. My favorite thing about Dixie is when she sees Lily. She kept looking up from her plate and saying, "Ohh look at that baby. Isn't she cute." Like it was the first time she had ever seen her. To her it probably was.

When we arrived to the nursing home Dixie was sitting next to a wonderfully entertaining woman named, Jean. Mom described her as a grumpy lady that tried to contain herself while we were there. haha. For example: Jean told us she wasn't hungry, but during lunch she kept complaining about them not getting her food out quick enough. Jean's memory was also fabulously escaping her. I know this because about every 3 minutes she would say, "That's a cute baby. How old is she?" Then she would say, "I have 6 of those, but they are grown now." Every time she told us how many children she had the number was different. Like I said, fabulously escaping her.

Lastly, The Gonzalez's took Kaley to her Elementary to register for Kindergarten next year. First off I can't believe she is going to be in Kindergarten. Crazy!!
When we walked in the door the ladies asked us what our girls names were. Kaley told them her name and her sister's name. One of the ladies complemented the names and said her Mommy and Daddy picked cute names. Kaley then went on telling them that when she was born it was only Mommy and her and that Daddy wasn't there. haha Can we say, embarrassing. She's a tell all kind of girl.
I wish I could go to this school. There were 5 desktop Mac computers in every classroom and traveling Mac laptops for every grade. Kids these days! Happy Cinco De Mayo!!