Kaley faith

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lakeway VBS

Kaley just finished up a week at Lakeway Church Vacation Bible School. She had a blast singing songs, doing crafts, playing games and of course learning about God. It lasted Monday through Friday 9-12, and she was very excited to go every day.

On the last day of VBS the church had a party Friday evening. All the kids sang the songs they learned that week, and we all ate hot dogs. Then they slid down inflatable water slides. The water at the bottom of that slide was so gross. It was black and all the kids were covered in grass. Kaley woke up with an ear infection. I'm sure that nasty water had something to do with it.

Kaley brought along our next door neighbor, Grant to join in on all the fun. Grant is Kaley's age and will be going in to Kindergarten also. Kaley is much larger than Grant. She likes to beat up on him, and he loves it.