Kaley faith

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Road trip

We decided this year on our way to Oklahoma to visit the OK Gonzalez family that we would make a few stops along the way. We left on Sunday June 13th. First stop, the McGuires.

The McGuires live in Weatherford, Tx on a nice big piece of land. Flo has been friends with them since college and these are their two daughters. We got there Sunday afternoon, and as soon as we arrived Kaley put on her swimsuit and jumped in the pool. As you can see this family is very beautiful and tan, so I opted out of putting on my swimsuit and showing off my post pregnancy soft, white body. However, Kaley did not share my self consciousness and swam until about 10pm. Kaley and their youngest became good friends playing in the pool and looking through her extensive rock collection. In the morning we had some breakfast, Kaley swam again, and then we hit the road. Next stop...The Lemings.

The Lemmings of Sulphur, OK also have a lot of land and Orey made friends with their Boston Terrier and Pug. Flo and Mart have been friends since college and I met Ashley and Mart on our first date. Their son is almost two and knows all his sign language and Chickisaw. They are expecting their next boy in September. The Lemmings raise Buffalo and that night we had some Buffalo burgers. So yum. Much leaner than beef. Later Kaley asked me if the burger was one of the buffalos in the field. When I told her it was she said, "well that's sad," but she didn't seem to care when she was stuffing 2 burgers in her face.

The next day we all woke up and visited GW Exotic Zoo in Wynnewood,OK. We went there about 2 years ago and loved all the hundreds of Lions and Tigers and Ligers. Oh My!

I have never seen a white Peacock. He was walking around the park, hanging out. Pretty cool.

We watched this black bear slowly crawl into his tub. It was hot and he needed to cool off. Wish I could have gotten in there with him. After the animal park we headed north to Tulsa to stay with KK and Papa.

We stayed two nights with them, and every night Kaley would crawl up in her Grand Papa's lap and snuggle.

Kaley also loves her KK and so does Orey. KK and Papa were nice enough to Babysit K girl while Flo, Lily and I went out to In the Raw and ate some sushi with my college roommate.

Great Aunt Ellen also got her Lily fix.

As we were passing through Tulsa we stopped at Starbucks and Orey had her first Pup-a-chino. It's whipped cream, and she loved it! Now every time we go to Starbucks we have to get Orey and Kaley a Pup-a-chino. Next stop...Bartlesville, OK.
To be continued....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Gonzalez Crotch Cradle

Flo has always bragged about what his family calls the Gonzalez Crotch cradle. Peepa Gonzalez is the first to make the Gonzalez Crotch Cradle famous. There are pictures of him holding Flo in the cradle. And they defiantly have the right to brag because the famous crotch cradle defiantly works on our little Lily.

As soon as Daddy gets Lil in the GCC she is out. (This was before she was such a mommy's girl).

Orey even loves the GCC.

Kaley was also a fan. She's a little too old now for the GCC. That would just be, as Kaley always says, "that's weird."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lakeway VBS

Kaley just finished up a week at Lakeway Church Vacation Bible School. She had a blast singing songs, doing crafts, playing games and of course learning about God. It lasted Monday through Friday 9-12, and she was very excited to go every day.

On the last day of VBS the church had a party Friday evening. All the kids sang the songs they learned that week, and we all ate hot dogs. Then they slid down inflatable water slides. The water at the bottom of that slide was so gross. It was black and all the kids were covered in grass. Kaley woke up with an ear infection. I'm sure that nasty water had something to do with it.

Kaley brought along our next door neighbor, Grant to join in on all the fun. Grant is Kaley's age and will be going in to Kindergarten also. Kaley is much larger than Grant. She likes to beat up on him, and he loves it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lily eats

Lila has begun eating baby food. The doctor said since she is 4 months old that we could start feeding her some rice cereal and bananas. We are hoping it also helps with her spitting up. Kaley wanted to give her the first bites. Lil loves it. I'm going to try making my own baby food this time. For her bananas in the morning I smash a piece of a banana and mix it with some B-milk and wa-la, Baby food! Haven't figured out how to make rice cereal yet.

The only thing she probably loves more than the food is the spoon. She tries to grab it from me and shove it down her throat. I gave it to her this time and right after this picture she choked herself trying to stick it down her throat. Hope she's not bulimic. haha.

Since Lil has started eating baby food I've been noticing a lot more neck cheese. I clean under her neck after she eats, but she still manages to keep some hidden. I've also been finding hair under her neck, black hairs, red hairs and blond hairs. All, but Flo hairs, which is a good thing because his hair isn't on his head.

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's Been 4 Months!!

I can't believe Lilliana girl is now 4 months old. Here's a little update on how she's been doing.

Today I took her to the doctor and she now weighs. 13.5 lbs (50th%) , 25 in. (50th%) and she is in the 25th% for her head. She is still spitting up like crazy, and the doc says I can try giving her some rice cereal to see if that helps. We will see.

She is lifting up on her tummy much better now. She still hates tummy time, but doctor says it's very important. She loves to lay on her back and do crunches. She lifts her head and her legs at the same time. It's too funny. She is also rolling over every once in awhile. She would never do it for Flo, but he finally caught her doing it the other day.

She is also grabbing for things a lot more now. She loves sitting in her highchair while we eat and tries to cram the Octopus in her mouth. This is totally new this week. She couldn't grab it just a week ago. She is also talking more. She Coos and screams when she is having fun.

Lil is also starting to lose her hair. It's thinning out and looks a little funny. I try to keep bows on her when we are in public to distract from her thinning locks. It also looks like the roots are a little lighter than the rest of her hair. I think it may come in blonde. Flo doesn't want to admit it though. He says he doesn't see it. (He wants her to keep her dark hair).

I am very excited to tell you that she now fits in her Exer-saucer . Just a few week ago I put her in it and she fell forward. I tried it again this morning and she fit. Her feet even touch the ground. This exer-saucer is amazing it has so much to do. She didn't know where to start.