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Monday, June 7, 2010

It's Been 4 Months!!

I can't believe Lilliana girl is now 4 months old. Here's a little update on how she's been doing.

Today I took her to the doctor and she now weighs. 13.5 lbs (50th%) , 25 in. (50th%) and she is in the 25th% for her head. She is still spitting up like crazy, and the doc says I can try giving her some rice cereal to see if that helps. We will see.

She is lifting up on her tummy much better now. She still hates tummy time, but doctor says it's very important. She loves to lay on her back and do crunches. She lifts her head and her legs at the same time. It's too funny. She is also rolling over every once in awhile. She would never do it for Flo, but he finally caught her doing it the other day.

She is also grabbing for things a lot more now. She loves sitting in her highchair while we eat and tries to cram the Octopus in her mouth. This is totally new this week. She couldn't grab it just a week ago. She is also talking more. She Coos and screams when she is having fun.

Lil is also starting to lose her hair. It's thinning out and looks a little funny. I try to keep bows on her when we are in public to distract from her thinning locks. It also looks like the roots are a little lighter than the rest of her hair. I think it may come in blonde. Flo doesn't want to admit it though. He says he doesn't see it. (He wants her to keep her dark hair).

I am very excited to tell you that she now fits in her Exer-saucer . Just a few week ago I put her in it and she fell forward. I tried it again this morning and she fit. Her feet even touch the ground. This exer-saucer is amazing it has so much to do. She didn't know where to start.